소아 급성 신우신염에서 DMSA스캔의 임상적 의의

소아 급성 신우신염에서 DMSA스캔의 임상적 의의

Clinical implications of DMSA Scan in childhood acute pyelonephrirtis

Release Date : 2017. 10. 27(금)
Sun-Mi Hur1, Hyun-Mi Kang1,2, Jung-Woo Rhim 1,2, Jin-Soon Suh1 , Kyung-Yil Lee1,2
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Pediatrics1
The Catholic University of Korea Daejeon St. Mary's Hospital Department of Pediatrics2
허선미1, 강현미1,2, 임정우1,2, 서진순1 , 이경일1,2
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실1
가톨릭대학교 대전성모병원 소아청소년과2


Purpose: 99mTechnetium dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scan has been used for early diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis (APN). However, the interpretations of the findings obtained have not yet been well-established. This study aimed to evaluate the relationships between DMSA findings and clinical parameters including age and fever duration. Methods: All patients diagnosed with APN and underwent DMSA scan during hospitalization were included. The positive rates for abnormal DMSA scans were analyzed according to the age of patients, fever duration prior to admission, and total fever duration. DMSA scan findings were divided into 3 categories according the characteristics of the lesions: single defect, multifocal defects on a single or both kidneys, and discrepant defects, and we compared with voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) findings according to DMSA lesions. Results: During January 2005 to December 2015, a total 320 cases fit the inclusion criteria. Of those, 141 (44.1%) had abnormal DMSA scans. The infant group (0-1 year of age) had shorter total fever duration (3.7 vs. 5.2 days, p = 0.001), and lower C-reactive protein (CRP) value (6.3 vs. 8.5 mg/dL, p = 0.001) and DMSA positive rate (38.5% vs. 60.6%, p = 0.01) compared to children group (2-15 years of age). Patients with abnormal scans showed longer total fever duration (4.4 days vs. 3.5 days, p = 0.01) and higher CRP (8.0 vs. 5.8 mg/dL, p = 0.001) compared to those with normal scans. The positivity rate of abnormal scans did not differ between the patients with short fever duration prior to admission of 2 days and those with longer fever duration of >3 days (47.9% vs. 40.9%, 72/176 vs. 69/144). However, patients with longer total fever duration tended to have a higher rate of abnormal DMSA scans. In cases with single defect, multifocal defects, and discrepant defects, vesicoureteral reflux was observed in 22.4% (11/49), 60% (9/15) and 70.6% (12/17), respectively. Conclusions: Although DMSA scan has limitations for early diagnosis, DMSA scan findings may aid in prospect the severity of systemic inflammation and detection of vesicoureteral reflux.

Keywords: Acute pyelonephritis, ,